Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church.

We are members of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) and the Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches (IARBC).


We would love to meet you in person.

Please plan to join us at our next service.





9:30am: Sunday School

10:10am: Adult fellowship time with refreshments

10:30am: Sunday Morning Worship Service

6:00 pm: Growth Group*


*Contact the church or visit the Facebook page for specific details. Evening services are sometimes altered for special events and holidays.



For additional information, please call the church or complete the contact form on the website. 


Contact Us

Calvary Baptist Church

1625 Penrose St

Grinnell, IA 50112



9:30am: Sunday School


10:10am: Adult fellowship time and refreshments 


10:30am:  Morning Worship Service

(In-person and online at www.facebook.com/cbcgrinnell


6:00pm: Growth Group


Phone: 641 236-5525

Or use our contact form.




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© Calvary Baptist Church